Ye Sword of Song

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The Sword of Song, 1904 EV, Front wrapper

Front wrapper of The Sword of Song, called by Christians The Book of The Beast, published by Aleister Crowley’s SPRT in 1904 E.V.

Why did Aleister Crowley on the front wrapper of The Sword of Song, which was published by the SPRT in October 1904 E.V., write “Ye Sword of Song” although the book’s title page and spine had the former?

The Sword of Song was the second book published by Crowley’s “Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth”, which gave its address as “Boleskine, Foyers, Inverness.” – Read online or download this PDF file (31 pp.) containing an extract from FOR THE THELEMITES. [May need further proof reading]

(In connection with this extract, see also the extracts "666 and 616"; "Amphora"; and "February 1913 E.V."!)

Bhikkhu Ananda Metteya

Read also about a Buddhist in London in the spring of 1908 E.V. – Aleister Crowley’s old friend Bhikkhu Ananda Metteya (above), a.k.a. Allan Bennett, a.k.a. Allan MacGregor, and discover the ‘G.D. clan MacGregor’.

G. K. Chesterton c. 1904 E.V.

The English critic and author, Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936), circa 1904 E.V.

The Sword of Song became, in fact, the last book by Aleister Crowley that G. K. Chesterton reviewed, and this hides a fascinating story too!

As to the use of “YE” on the front wrapper of The Sword of Song, G. K. Chesterton had stated in The Daily News on September 24, 1904 E.V.:

"He [Mr. Aleister Crowley] publishes a work, “The Sword of Song: Called by Christians ‘The Book of the Beast,’” and called, I am ashamed to say, “Ye Sword of Song” on the cover, by some singularly uneducated man."

As to gematria and humour, in 1971 E.V. an uncut and unopened presentation copy of the “second” edition of “Ye Sword of Song” appeared for sale. Crowley had inscribed it with the words: “To the Butcher (69) from the Beast (666)”! Was this copy sent to a reviewer who never read it?!               

(Book Collecting & Library Monthly, No. 41, Sep. 1971 E.V.)

Illustration on the back of The Sword of Song, 1904 E.V.

Illustration on the back of The Sword of Song with Crowley's name (Aleister E. Crowley) in Hebrew characters adding up to 666.

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