Gates of Sefer Yetzirah

The Gates of Sefer Yetzirah (‘Book of Creation’) – A short comment to Liber L vel Legis.

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‘The Gates of Sefer Yetzirah’ – A short comment to Liber L vel Legis by Perdurabo ST

Read online or download this PDF file (5 pp.) containing an extract from FOR THE THELEMITES. [May need further proof reading]

(In connection with this extract, see also the extracts “The Tarot”; “666 and 616”; “Khabs am Pekht”; “Liber L - The Key”; “Liber 1170”, and the “Book Preview”!)

The first printed Hebrew edition of Sefer Yetzirah ((ספר יצירה appeared in Mantua in 1562. Ten years before, in 1552, had a Latin translation (Liber Jezirah) been printed in Paris.

‘Twenty-two letters of foundation are set in a circle in 231 Gates. The circle rotates forward and backward. And this is a sign: There is no good higher than delight, and there is no evil lower than plague.’ – Sefer Yetzirah, 2:4.

The Warsaw 1884 standard edition of Sefer Yetzirah with commentaries. (יצירה׃ ספר Warsaw: Bi-defus Yitshak Goldman, 1884.)

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