February 1913 E.V.

The publication of ‘Book Four’ and ‘The Book of Lies’ in February 1913 E.V.

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Read online or download this extract (54 pp.) from For the Thelemites giving proofs that both Book Four; Part One and The Book of Lies were published by Wieland and Co. in February 1913 E.V.! The publication dates of both books have been unknown until now!

Read also about the books published by The Equinox and by Eugène John Wieland's Wieland & Co. [May need further proof reading]

(In connection with this extract, see also the extracts "Virakam", "Amphora"; "Ye Sword of Song"; and "Magick"!)

Book Four, Part One, Upper Cover

Front wrapper of Book Four, Part I, published by Wieland and Co.

A.A. Sigillum

Found in Book Four, Part I, was the ‘Sigillum Sanctum Fraternitatis A.·.A.·.’ – the seal of the GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD known as the A.·.A.·.. The seal, which was designed by Aleister Crowley, was probably the work of Crowley’s friend and A.·.A.·. Brother, publisher and artist E. J. Wieland, who published both Book Four, Part I, and Part 2, together with The Book of Lies. It was the seal’s first appearance in Crowley’s printed works.

Front page of The Book of Lies, 1913 E.V.

Title page of Liber CCCXXXIIIThe Book of Lies.

The Book of Lies,1913 E.V., Chapter 44 - The Mass of the Phoenix, 1 The Book of Lies,1913 E.V., Chapter 44 - The Mass of the Phoenix, 2 The Book of Lies,1913 E.V., Chapter 44 - The Mass of the Phoenix, 3

"The Mass of the Phœnix" from Chapter 44 of Liber CCCXXXIIIThe Book of Lies.

Something spectacular took place in celebration of the publication of The Book of Lies. On Sunday, February 2nd, 1913 E.V., at 33, The Avenue Studios, 76 Fulham-road, S.W., at 9 p.m., took a performance of “The Mass of the Phœnix” place – “The Mass of the Phœnix” (above), which was published in The Book of Lies as “ΚΕΦΑΛΗ ΜΔ”, Chapter 44! The public performance was announced in the London Daily Herald on February 1st (below, highlighted in red).

Daily Herald, February 1, 1913 E.V., Lectures and Meetings

"LECTURES AND MEETINGS" from the London Daily Herald, Saturday, February 1st, 1913 E.V., announcing the public performance of "The Mass of the Phœnix" (here highlighted in red) on Sunday, February 2nd, at 33, The Avenue Studios, 76 Fulham-road, South Kensington – the home of Aleister Crowley; The Equinox; and Wieland and Co.

Advertisement for new books published by The Equinox in T. P’s Weekly, January 13, 1911 E.V.

Advertisement for new books published by The Equinox in T. P’s Weekly, January 13, 1911 E.V. – Ethel Archer’s The Whirlpool which is mentioned as "READY SHORTLY" would in fact end up being published by Wieland and Co. in January 1912 E.V.

The frontispiece of Book Four, Part Two. (Frater Perdurabo and Soror Virakam [Aleister Crowley and Mary Desti]. Book Four. Part II – Magick [(Theory)]. London, UK: Wieland and Co., n.d. [1913 E.V.])

Magick in Theory and Practice (Being Part III of Book 4) – the four sections in red textured wrappers were published in 1930 E.V.

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