Death of Frieda Harris

The death of Frieda Harris (Lady Harris), and her grave in Srinagar, Kashmir

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Some years after her husband’s death Frieda Harris (Lady Harris) moved to Srinagar, the summer capital of Kashmir, India, where she lived on a houseboat on a lake – to all appearances the urban lake Dal (Dal in Kashmiri means lake).

In the summertime it was a most beautiful and pleasant place to live, however, during the winter season the lake often froze over, and it must have been a cold and unpleasant place to be, especially for a European woman in her eighties living on an uninsulated houseboat. Frieda Harris died at the age of eighty-five on Gay Fawkes Day, November 5, 1962 E.V. (and not as mostly stated on May 11), and was burried in Srinagar at the European cemetery at the Sheikh Bagh – a Christian cemetery on the banks of the Jhelum River.

Read online or download this PDF file (5 pp.) containing an extract from FOR THE THELEMITES. [May need further proof reading]

Frieda Harris (Lady Harris), née Marguerite Frieda Bloxam (1877-1962).

Graves in the Christian Cemetery at the Sheikh Bagh in Srinagar.

The above extract “Death of Frieda Harris” from For the Thelemites, Chapter 15 – Part II, can also be found in the 44-page PDF file ”Dec. 5, 1947 E.V.”, an extract from the book dealing with, among other things, Aleister Crowley’s funeral in Brighton, and Frieda Harris et al. 

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