April 20, 1904 E.V.

── Note the PDF file/ebook below! ──

Port Said, P. & O. S.S. Osiris

The P. & O. steamer S.S. Osiris anchored in Port Said.

Map showing Messina, Sicily

Section from a 1900s map showing Messina, the largest city in north-eastern Sicily.

On what date onboard the P. & O. steamer S.S. Osiris did Rose and Aleister Crowley leave Egypt in April 1904 E.V., and where did they land in Europe on their way to Paris?

The date of their departure together with where they landed in Europe have been unknown until now! – Read online or download this PDF file (32 pp.) containing an extract from FOR THE THELEMITES. [May need further proof reading]

(In connection with this extract, see also the extracts "Cairo Apartment" and "General Dickson"!)

Ouarda the Seer Frater Perdurabo

Rose and Aleister Crowley – Ouarda and Perdurabo.

The P. & O. Steamer S.S. Isis

The P. & O. steamer S.S. Isis, the sistership of the Osiris.

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