This website contains a large amount of new knowledge about Aleister Crowley, Thelema, and Magick!

New illustrated 98-page version of the Book Preview. Many secrets are found in For the Thelemites. (You will probably be surprised!)

New 52-page version of “Boulak Museum” with research giving proof of who wrote the documents of the translations of “Stèle 666”.

Discover the history of the words “Khabs am Pekht” – “Light in Extension”. Were they ancient Egyptian words, and taken from where?

Discover that both the first part of Book Four and The Book of Lies were published by Wieland and Co. in February 1913 E.V.!

Read on the page “Carthage 1923 E.V.” about Fra. P.'s 1917 E.V. essay “Occult Study” and how he met Leah Hirsig in New York City.

Read the extract “Konx Om Pax” – A scientific treatise on the history of the words ‘Konx Ompax’, later given as “Konx Om Pax”.

Discover interesting new things about two of AC's (erotic) works, the ‘jokes’ Amphora and Clouds Without Water!

Lo, the dead man Ankh-af-na-khonsu, shall go forth by day in order to do what he will all upon earth among the living

A.·.mor est Lex, A.·.mor sub Voluntate

An 0 (1904 E.V.)  –  An Vx (2024/25 E.V.)

Year 0 – Year 120 of the Aeon of Hoor

On the page “Liber L – The Key” discover the “glad word” hidden in Liber L vel Legis, II, 76, a word discovered by Perdurabo ST at the Spring Equinox in An. IVxviii (2010 E.V.)! An essay on the meaning of Liber L vel Legis, II, 76, and the Magick of the “glad word”, will appear on this page later! Read also the short, very important comment to Liber L vel Legis dealing with the “Gates of Sefer Yetzirah”. And finally, read about the Master the Lion and the Law of Will in “Sun's Track”!

Discover the important story of the ‘occult’ Tarot and the Hebrew Alphabet, together with the deciphering of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. – Read also about Aleister Crowley's use of the word ‘Magick’; and the fascinating story of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, whose first two volumes were published in November and December, 1929 E.V.

In the extract “Dec. 5, 1947 E.V.” read about the funeral of Aleister Crowley on December 5th, 1947 E.V. in Brighton. – Read also about Frieda Harris and her art, and friendship with writer, traveller, and painter Lesley Blanch, who owned a house in Richmond, London, where Crowley was living when the Second World War broke out!

Discover on the page “Fill and Kill” why Aleister Crowley in Liber CCXX used the word “fill” in his paraphrase from the Stélé of Revealing, while he in some other places instead wrote “kill”! Read also the extract “The Method of Science – The Aim of Religion”, the motto of The Equinox, and discover the role it played for Crowley and in the founding of the A.·. A.·.

Thirty-two secured PDF files/ebooks – extracts from For the Thelemites. More than 900 pages, all for free!

Cairo Appartment”, 34-page extract from For The Thelemites exploring where in Cairo Liber L vel Legis by all accounts was written.

New extract from For the Thelemites stating why “Ye Sword of Song” was printed on the front wrapper of The Sword of Song.

Discover the date when Rose and Aleister Crowley left Egypt after the Cairo Working, together with where they landed in Europe.

Discover why two numbers, 666 and 616, have been given to the Beast of Revelation in the ancient Greek MSS known today.

Read about Soror Virakam (Mary Desti), the one who brought Fra. P. in contact with the wizard Ab-ul-Diz in November 1911 E.V.

Discover the Egyptological facts about the priest Ankhefenkhons i (Ankh-af-na-khonsu of The Book of the Law), and his family.

Read about the crusade against AC by the pennyworth John Bull – who were the persons behind this carefully planned attack?

On this website you will find many PDF files/ebooks for free download. Thirty-two secured PDF files/ebooks – most of them illustrated – in total more than 900 pages of various extracts from FOR THE THELEMITES; ROSE AND ALEISTER CROWLEY’S STAY IN EGYPT IN 1904; A STUDY OF THE CAIRO WORKING AND WHAT IT LED TO, for free reading. These extracts contain much new material on many subjects – the outcome of many years of research and magickal work by the author. It is important that you read the "Prelude" of this website, together with the 98-page “Book Preview” of FOR THE THELEMITES on the page “Book Preview”, together with the page “Liber L – The Key”!


This website was published in July 2018 E.V.

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