Boleskine House

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Boleskine House on Loch Ness

Boleskine House – Aleister Crowley's sacred house on Loch Ness. From the Manifesto of the M.·.M.·.M.·., circa 1913 E.V.

The Rev. William Fraser, Minister of Boleskine and Abertarff, wrote in the 1830s about the name Boleskine and its Gaelic etymology:

"The name appears [...] to be compounded of these three words, “Boile-eas-ceann,” “ceann” signifying height, summit, “eas” a cataract, and “boile” fury, rage, madness. Hence Boleskine appears to signify the summit of the furious cascade. The cascade here in view is now extensively known under the name of the Fall of Foyers." (The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.)

Another source says that it comes from:

"poll eas cumhan (pron. kuin), ‘pool of the narrow waterfall,’ i.e., Fall of Foyers." (J. B. Johnston. Place-names of Scotland, 1903.)

1890s map showing Boleskine and the Fall of Foyers, Scotland

Section from a Scottish map from the 1890s showing Boleskine and the Fall of Foyers.


Boleskine House is on Loch Ness, 17 miles from Inverness, latitude 57.14 N. Longitude 4.28 W.” Footnote to “Liber V vel Reguli.” in Magick in Theory and Practice, 1930 E.V.


Aleister Crowley's marriage, Ross-Shire Journal, Scotland, Aug. 21, 1903

Aleister Crowley’s marriage on August 12, 1903, mentioned in The Ross-Shire Journal, Friday, August 21, 1903.


Headlines of article by Aleister Crowley that appeared in the Empire News, Sunday, November 12, 1933 E.V.


Read about Boleskine House on Loch Ness in Scotland, which Aleister Crowley purchased in 1899. – Read online or download this PDF file (15 pp.) containing an extract from FOR THE THELEMITES. [May need further proof reading]

(In connection with this extract, see also the "Book Preview" of For the Thelemites!)

Fall of Foyers, Scotland

The Fall of Foyers. 1800s engraving.


Nurse for Baby Wanted

Advertisement which appeared in the Inverness Courier, Friday, August 5, 1904 E.V. – Rose and Aleister Crowley’s daughter Nuith Ma Ahathoor Hecate Sappho Jezebel Lilith had been born at Boleskine House on July 28, 1904 E.V.


SALMON FISHING (Loch Ness). Advertisement, The Field, The Country Gentleman's Newspaper, Jan. 21, 1905 E.V.

SALMON FISHING (Loch Ness).” Advertisement which appeared in The Field, The Country Gentleman’s Newspaper, Saturday, January 21, 1905 E.V.


Slater's Royal National Directory of Scotland, Residents 1907 E.V.

‘Aleister McGregor’, i.e. Aleister Crowley, in the 1907 E.V. edition of Slater's Royal Directory of Scotland.


Aleister Crowley from Konx Om Pax, 1907 E.V.

Aleister Crowley from Konx Om Pax, 1907 E.V.

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